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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hee-Bee Gee-Bees!

I found this in my Yahoo News today.  Wolf spiders are taking over in an effort to get away from flood waters in Australia.  Apparently the residents aren't too shaken up about it.  They've already escaped to higher ground themselves, and the spiders are eating all the mosquitoes due to the rain. Gag! It's like something out of those 1960-1970s science fiction movies when the rats, mice, birds, or spiders invade and you've got the dead sheriff who died while investigating the initial reports, and the town is now in the hands of the 20 year old Deputy So-and So with no experience and a few brave citizens driving beat up pickups.  Oh, and who can forget The Blob, the standard in which all man-eating sci-fi movies are judged against??!! 
Not snow....spider webs!

1 comments: said...

We get wolf spiders up here. . .they come into the house in the fall when the temperature start to drop. . .yuck! They don't hurt you but I still don't like them.

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