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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Remind Me Who I Am

My new favorite song!  What a message! Every single person must have a revelation of how God sees him. Satan tries to make us remember all the times we messed up and put condemnation on us.  That's not how God sees us--even when we mess up big time!  What image do you have of yourself today?  When you look in the mirror, whose image are you seeing--the one satan conjures up or the one that knows God loves you no matter what you did or didn't do...?

On a side note, if you don't know much about Jason Gray, he's a chronic stutterer--except when he sings.  I love that he hasn't let that interfere with his goals and dreams and walks in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"  CAN'T is a bad word around our house anyway.  "Mommy, I can't do...." Doug and I try to immediately ask our daughters as soon as those words come out of their little mouths, "What does Philippians 4 :13 say?"  They say the verse.  "Do you believe that?" They nod their heads.  "Then let's rephrase that."  They usually come up with something like, "Mommy, can you help me.....?" 

Take 3 minutes and listen to this amazing song! :)


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