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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Swimming Fun!

Our almost daily routine this summer~ swimmin' in the horse tank.  The girls took swimming lessons again this summer, and Annsley is swimming by herself in the "deep end" at the city pool.  She also conquered a 3 year goal of jumping off the diving board! 

As retold to me by my husband who took them to their morning swim lessons and then stayed the afternoon at the pool...

Doug:  She told me she was going to jump off the diving board, so I said OK. We all three walked over to the diving board area.  She looked at me and said, "You can go now, Dad.  I got it." 

(This is the same child that would put her hand up to you to stop you from coming into the bathroom when we were potting training her.  "Mom--Go!  I got it!"  This from my 2 1/2 year old...)

Doug:  I watched her jump walk up and jump off the board like she'd been doing it for years. She climbs out of the pool, looks at me, and says, "Dad--Go!"  I said to her, "Well, I want to make sure you're OK." 

Annsley:  "See that life guard?  It's his job to watch me.  Go swim with Kennedi." 

Doug:  So I did what she told me to do...

I showed up a few days later to take pictures--I have a little fish! I'm so proud of her! Also when I showed up, he and Kennedi just had to show Mom all of their little fun.  He was throwing Kennedi in the air--too high and too far for her momma's comfort.  When she would land, she would give the thumbs up sign and start her kick float from the point of "impact."  Yes, thrilled with her skills, not so thrilled with her being tossed around like a beanbag.

You can't buy this kind of fun in the winter!

Seconds before doing the belly flop!

Enlarge the picture (click on it) and you can see Kennedi's "thumbs up!"

My big girl little fish in the "deep end!"


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